The focus of Share in Journey in Faith to help us make connections with others as we immerse ourselves in what it is to believe, celebrate, live and pray as Christian disciples. Verbal proclamation, social justice, and the works of mercy are all linked by our faith in Jesus Christ.
Please bear with us as we continue to develop this exciting resource!
Mercy Works (outreach) - sharing the good news by our deeds
The ministries of outreach at St. Luke's are known collectively under the banner of "Mercy Works." This phrase has two meanings: (1) that sharing God's loving kindness (mercy) is a way of transforming people's lives and circumstances, and (2) that we respond to God's loving kindness to us by performing acts of mercy among others (work). Both are needed as a means of transforming our selves, our community, and our world in the name of Christ. The activities involved in Mercy Works at St. Luke's Church are described on our parish website. You can access these activities here.
You can use the resources in this Share portion of Journey in Faith to better understand the foundations of Christian outreach in general and to explore just what your own calling might be.
You can use the resources in this Share portion of Journey in Faith to better understand the foundations of Christian outreach in general and to explore just what your own calling might be.
Evangelization - Sharing the Good News by our Words
The term evangelism comes from the New Testament Greek word euangelion, meaning “good news.” Evangelism is the sharing of the life giving Gospel of Jesus Christ in word (proclamation) and deed (actions). The same Jesus that said he came to preach the good news and “to seek and save the lost” (Mark 1:38; Luke 19:10). For quite some time, Episcopalians have thought of evangelization as the "e-word" - something real but never to be discussed in polite company. Nothing could be further from the truth! The challenge before us is to reconsider what evangelism is within our tradition, and discern how we might best fulfill our obligations as Christians to "bring good news" to others.
You can use the resources in this Share portion of Journey in Faith to better understand the foundations of Christian evangelism as understood in the Episcopal Church and to explore just what your own calling might be.
You can use the resources in this Share portion of Journey in Faith to better understand the foundations of Christian evangelism as understood in the Episcopal Church and to explore just what your own calling might be.
Stewardship is a part of discipleship as we continually discern and to use the gifts with which God has entrusted us: created environment, our spiritual gifts, and the financial resources that sustain daily living. As the stewards of the mission and ministry of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, we are entrusted to nurture and build on the legacy of our community, so future generations may benefit from our rich religious heritage. Our work is only made possible through giving of our time, our talents, and our financial means. Our individual generosity is multiplied when we give together. Our annual membership campaign gives is an opportunity to share in the mission and ministry of the Church by our financial support. You can explore this year's campaign here.
You can use the resources in this Share portion of Journey in Faith to better understand the foundations of Christian stewardship in general and to explore just what your own calling might be.
You can use the resources in this Share portion of Journey in Faith to better understand the foundations of Christian stewardship in general and to explore just what your own calling might be.