The month of September -
More Water Stories
There is much to discover and love about God's Creation all around us. Here we are offer some stories from Holy Scripture to ponder, and some activities to help along the way.
Here are Links to the Stories for June, July, and August .
On this page you will find all you need to share the story of the Jesus' great sign of calming an angry sea and explore how water can both destroy and give life.
In the Family Activity you will find a Gathering activity, Story Time, Imagining Together,
Coloring, and Closing Prayer.
The Story Cards will help everyone learn to tell this story.
The Poster is the same picture with two views, one more detailed than the other.
You are welcome to print as many copies of each as you need!
Download the file at the left for all the activates
you need to explore this part of God's creation.
The file below contains an image which is our poster for the month of September. There are 2 pages - a simpler one for the not so skilled and a more complex one for the coloring experts among us! Download it now and spend some time with your children coloring! You can all work on one image or print as many as you need for each individual.
`The file above also contains several images that walk through the story of Calming of the Sea by Jesus. Download it now and then read the biblical story of the Jesus calming the sea located in the family activities file above. Join together in coloring in the several phases of the story
Click HERE for the June Water Stories page. Click HERE for the July Water Stories page.
Click HERE for the August Water Stories page.
Click HERE for the August Water Stories page.
Facebook discussion group
Look for postings to our St. Luke’s Church Facebook page and to our special Facebook group “St. Luke’s Children and Parents Group, where parents can support one another, ask questions, offer advice, share ideas and insights as we work together to strengthen the faith of our children. This group and the general St. Luke’s Church Facebook page will contain all the announcements related to our summer activities.
This Group is a private group meaning only members can see who's in the group and what they post. It is also hidden - only members can find this group. Members can then hold more lengthy discussions there on other Christian Formation topics concerning our children’s faith development. This is also a place to offer your own suggestions and ideas for our programming and life together as a parish family.
For permission to participate in this discussion forum, please contact Mother Mary at [email protected] or private message her using Facebook Messenger.
Look for postings to our St. Luke’s Church Facebook page and to our special Facebook group “St. Luke’s Children and Parents Group, where parents can support one another, ask questions, offer advice, share ideas and insights as we work together to strengthen the faith of our children. This group and the general St. Luke’s Church Facebook page will contain all the announcements related to our summer activities.
This Group is a private group meaning only members can see who's in the group and what they post. It is also hidden - only members can find this group. Members can then hold more lengthy discussions there on other Christian Formation topics concerning our children’s faith development. This is also a place to offer your own suggestions and ideas for our programming and life together as a parish family.
For permission to participate in this discussion forum, please contact Mother Mary at [email protected] or private message her using Facebook Messenger.