Welcome to our Lenten Resources Page for Adults
"I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the
observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance . . . " |
from the Ash Wednesday Exhortation Book of Common Prayer, p. 265 |
Those who choose to answer Jesus’s challenge to follow are called disciples. It is a call to be set apart, challenged, and taught so that we can see and understand the mission of Jesus and play our part in his great work of transforming our world into the kingdom of God. Ultimately, being a disciple is more than simply learning a few simple truths or accepting a body of religious teaching. It is a lifestyle in which we learn. grow, and practice the way of Christ in such a way that others are able to see Christ dwelling in us.
LENT is a special opportunity for us to learn about discipleship—the pattern of life we need to establish for ourselves to make this lifestyle possible. This effort is never a “once and done” reality but a practice that helps deepen our relationship with Jesus each time we return to it. Like many wise teachers have taught over the centuries, discipleship is a process of examining oneself, taking stock, and simply beginning again.
Whether you are a “newbie” to the faith, or someone who has been at this practice for a long time, or even someone who is simply curious about what this Christian “thing” is all about, this is a time for you.
Listen to this invitation taken from the Celtic liturgy we celebrate at St. Luke’s:
This is the table, not of the Church, but of the Lord.
It is made ready for those who love him and for those who want to love him more.
So come, you who have much faith and you who have little,
Come, you who have been here often, and you who have not been here long,
Come, you who have tried to follow and you who have failed.
Come, because it is the Lord who invites you now.
It is his will that those who want him should meet him here.
This is Jesus’s invitation to you this Lent. We hope this is what you hear in our voices here at St. Luke's.
LENT is a special opportunity for us to learn about discipleship—the pattern of life we need to establish for ourselves to make this lifestyle possible. This effort is never a “once and done” reality but a practice that helps deepen our relationship with Jesus each time we return to it. Like many wise teachers have taught over the centuries, discipleship is a process of examining oneself, taking stock, and simply beginning again.
Whether you are a “newbie” to the faith, or someone who has been at this practice for a long time, or even someone who is simply curious about what this Christian “thing” is all about, this is a time for you.
Listen to this invitation taken from the Celtic liturgy we celebrate at St. Luke’s:
This is the table, not of the Church, but of the Lord.
It is made ready for those who love him and for those who want to love him more.
So come, you who have much faith and you who have little,
Come, you who have been here often, and you who have not been here long,
Come, you who have tried to follow and you who have failed.
Come, because it is the Lord who invites you now.
It is his will that those who want him should meet him here.
This is Jesus’s invitation to you this Lent. We hope this is what you hear in our voices here at St. Luke's.
Below you will find resources for our personal renewal and for our renewal as a faith community.
Take advantage of any or all of these opportunities.
Take advantage of any or all of these opportunities.
Wednesday Morning Eucharist - 10 AM (in person & online) |
thursday evening Presentations - 6 PM auditorium
Join us for Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 10 AM.
The celebration occurs in person and will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. You can access the livestream through our website under "This Week at St. Lukes" Thursday Morning Bible Study 10 AM (online)Every Thursday morning, we gather in our virtual Page Room for a bible study focused on the readings from the Sunday to follow. Join us at 10 AM every Thursday. Click here for access.
Friday - Stations of the crossEvery week, a new version online of this beloved Lenten devotion.
This week, a beautiful rendition was produced by Virginia Theological Seminary. |
Join us each Thursday in Lent for a series of simple soup suppers that will feature a presentation on the ways and traditions of discipleship within the Episcopal tradition. This series is an ideal way to meet and greet your neighbors as well as to "brush up" on what, why, and how we believe—or to explore a new way of believing and following Jesus.
Session 1: Daily Personal Prayer [Feb 15]
This session presents Jesus's call to a daily prayer life and practical suggestions to establishing a daily personal prayer time.
Session 2: Hearing God in the Scriptures [Feb 22]
This session builds on the first session "Daily personal Prayer" by emphasizing the importance of Scripture, how we can learn to hear God speak to us through Scripture, and instruction on how to read Scripture within the context of daily personal prayer. Below are three helps that were distributed during this session that were used to demonstrate how to use the Scriptures to hear the voice of God.
Session 3: The Power of the Sacraments [Feb 29]
This session seeks to help people embrace the sacraments as an essential part of the Christian life. It looks at how the Eucharist becomes the source and center of our ongoing life in a Christian community and helps to tie all the other sacramental rites together. Session 4: Forgiving One Another [Mar 7] This session seeks to help people see forgiving others as a necessary element of healthy relationships and as a key aspect of our relationship with God. Flowing out of this talk is a period of forgiveness prayer time rooted in the phrase of the Lord's Prayer, "Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us." Session 5: The Spirit-Empowered Life [Mar 14] This session seeks to make participants aware that the Church teaches that the Holy Spirit is giving a renewed Pentecost, which is instilling a new and unforeseen power in our own day. The Holy Spirit is the one "who brings about events of amazing newness; he radically changes persons and destinies." Scripture teaches us that it is the Holy Spirit who makes real our status as children of God, sanctifies, empowers, and gives us gifts for mission and ministry. Session 6: Advancing the Mission of the Church [Mar 21] This session is designed to help us better understand that the Church's purpose is to make the Good News known to all who want to accept it and enter into a relationship with Christ. This leads to a generous and compassionate lifestyle of loving service. |