Welcome to our Lenten Resources Page for Adults
"I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the
observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance . . . " |
from the Ash Wednesday Exhortation Book of Common Prayer, p. 265 |
There just aren’t enough chances to slow down. Back in school, teachers would tell us to “take your time” on tricky problems. But, in the adult world, we no longer have someone telling us to “take your time," even though we never stopped needing it. The demands of life too soon begin to absorb all our time. Lent is the perfect time to step back and invest in our relationship with God.
For six weeks, through fasting and reflection, we join with Christians around the world to keep in mind what Christ’s death and resurrection mean.
Lent begins on Ash Wedensday - March 2, 2022.
If you are feeling spent, Lenten practices give us a chance for us to ease off life's accelerator a bit to take time intentionally being in God’s presence. Each offering at St. Luke's seeks to offer a chance to explore faith and life, whether as a group or on your own.
For six weeks, through fasting and reflection, we join with Christians around the world to keep in mind what Christ’s death and resurrection mean.
Lent begins on Ash Wedensday - March 2, 2022.
If you are feeling spent, Lenten practices give us a chance for us to ease off life's accelerator a bit to take time intentionally being in God’s presence. Each offering at St. Luke's seeks to offer a chance to explore faith and life, whether as a group or on your own.
Below you will find resources for personal renewal and for renewal as a faith community.
Take advantage of any or all of these opportunities to explore just how we can walk with purpose on this Journey in Faith.
Take advantage of any or all of these opportunities to explore just how we can walk with purpose on this Journey in Faith.
Program Sign-up Information
Click here to see more information about each program opportunity
Program Information
Join us for Eucharist on Wednesday mornings at 10 AM.
The celebration occurs in person and will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. You can access the livestream through our website under "This Week at St. Luke's." THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY
Every Thursday morning, we gather in the "virtual Page Room" for a bible study focused on one or more of the Scripture readings appointed for the Sunday to follow. Click on the links below for the lessons designated for each Sunday.
Schedule for study March 3 (Readings for Lent 1) March 10 (Readings for Lent 2) March 17 (Readings for Lent 3) March 24 (Readings for Lent 4) March 31 (Readings for Lent 5) April 7 (readings for Palm Sunday)
This video, a beautiful rendition was of a most beautiful devotion, was produced by Virginia Theological Seminary. While we traditionally walk the stations on Fridays, you can use this resource at any time. This virtual trek takes about 40 minutes. You may wish to “walk” the Way of the Cross individually, as a household, in a neighborhood gathering, or with a small group online. Here are some suggestions:
The liturgy for this devotional multimedia experience comes from the Book of Occasional Services. The artwork is Margaret Adams Parker’s Stations of the Cross Paintings (2019), and the music is composed by Marty Wheeler Burnett (©2020 St. James Music Press, www.sjmp.com).
SUNDAY GATHERINGS - "Living Well - Dying Well"
Join us in the Parish Hall Auditorium for five weekly presentations through Lent. The series seeks to help us address just how our living has an impact on our dying.
A key to understanding the meaning of Lent is simple: Baptism. Preparation for Baptism and for renewing baptismal commitment lies at the heart of the season. With the introduction of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, the Church has reemphasized the baptismal character of Lent, especially when there are people preparing for baptism itself, or its personal affirmation in the sacramental rite of Confirmation. Several of our members have begun this preparation. For them, this Lent will be a special time of more intense reflection and prayer as they enter the final phase of their discernment about full participation in the life of The Episcopal Church. During this season, they will need our support not only in their instruction but also as they prepare their spirits for a renewal of the Spirit. One way we can help them is to undertake a 30-Day Prayer and Meditation Challenge from March 25th (The Feast of the Annunciation to April 23rd (Easter Saturday). On The Second Sunday of Easter (April 24th), Bishop Nichols will ask us all to renew our commitment to Christ and the Church. Here is how it works. We ask you to sign up by sending us your name and e-mail address. Each day you will receive an email prompt asking you to reflect on your own Journey in Faith. The notes will cover five stages of spiritual development leading toward the renewal of our Baptismal vows. By joining our spiritual reflection and prayer with those of the candidates, we will spiritually support their journey – and enhance our own. Here's the schedule:
You can also simply send an email to Mother Mary ([email protected]), or call the parish office (717) 272-8251 and ask to be included as a prayer partner for those to be received or confirmed. This is one way we can open ourselves to the work of the Holy Spirit as we continue Growing in Faith together. For more information on the formation program for our candidates, click here. LENTEN READING LIST
Sometimes we simply need some "alone time" to slow down and renew our spirits. There is no better way to find that time than to read a good book.