The Sacred Triduum - Three Most Holy Days
The whole of Lent is a season to prepare us for the celebration of the Lord's resurrection. The days just before Resurrection (Easter) Sunday are known as the Sacred Triduum, three distinct times for worship that form one multi-day celebration. Beginning on Thursday evening, the Church shares in The Last Supper, journey with Jesus through his suffering and death on Good Friday, and anticipates the Good News of Jesus Resurrection from the Dead!
Whether we attend the celebrations in Church or share these home celebrations, especially in families, we can learn and experience the meaning in these sacred days.
Whether we attend the celebrations in Church or share these home celebrations, especially in families, we can learn and experience the meaning in these sacred days.
These services work best when planned ahead. Please read through any or all of the services you might want to celebrate so you know what is suggested and can prepare ahead of time! They have been assembled for a small at home gathering without clergy. They can be prayed by an individual or all members of the household.
All are flexible and should be adapted to meet your needs.
Blessings on your Holy Week.
All are flexible and should be adapted to meet your needs.
Blessings on your Holy Week.
In addition to the services posted below for each individual day, there is a collection of resources for the days of Holy Week (including Palm Sunday) assembled by Mother Kisner that can be downloaded and printed by clicking on the file at right. Read this file before using the video.
Maundy Thursday
This Maundy Thursday service was designed for use in the home, around the dinner table (whatever shape that takes). If possible the table should be set with the best the house has to offer. A fine tablecloth perhaps, flowers, and the best place settings. We sit down to feast with God and for that we bring our best. If your best is a folding table and takeout containers God will be as honored by that as fine silver and crystal.
This service draws from the Eucharistic tradition, but it is not a sacramental meal. We call it Eukharistía: Ancient Greek (εὐχαριστία), meaning “gratitude, giving of thanks”. And this we can and should do whenever we share the bounty of the earth! As part of the Body of Christ, all Christians can call on God's blessings of grace bless and so while this meal is not sacramental it includes blessings of the food and drink shared, and the people gathered.
This service draws from the Eucharistic tradition, but it is not a sacramental meal. We call it Eukharistía: Ancient Greek (εὐχαριστία), meaning “gratitude, giving of thanks”. And this we can and should do whenever we share the bounty of the earth! As part of the Body of Christ, all Christians can call on God's blessings of grace bless and so while this meal is not sacramental it includes blessings of the food and drink shared, and the people gathered.
The "Sunday Papers" are available at below for you to download and print.
Download and print the service by clicking on the file at right.
One way of involving the entire family in preparing for this celebration is to prepare the bread for the "special meal." Click on the link at right to download a recipe for bread that can also be used to make bread for our formal communion when we gather at church for worship.
Good Friday
This Good Friday service was created for home use, it has been written so that various parts can be shared out among those present. Each part is either meant to be read by a single person, or by all. And this is indicated with “One” or “All.” The “One” parts may be shared and a single leader is not required. While this service assumes a small gathering it may be prayed by an individual who, while physically alone, is nevertheless gathered in spirit with the rest of the church.
This service can be done seated, such as in a living room, or outdoors in a garden or other quiet place. If done inside lights should be low and soft. If possible a single candle should be placed in the midst of those gathered and should be lit before the service begins. If of appropriate size, this candle may be used for Keeping Vigil for the Resurrection at Home.
This service can be done seated, such as in a living room, or outdoors in a garden or other quiet place. If done inside lights should be low and soft. If possible a single candle should be placed in the midst of those gathered and should be lit before the service begins. If of appropriate size, this candle may be used for Keeping Vigil for the Resurrection at Home.
The "Sunday Paper for Good Friday" is available at right for you to download and print.
Download and print the service by clicking on the file at right.
Keeping Vigil for Easter
This Vigil for the Night Before Easter was designed for saying at home — either as an individual or a gathering of friends and families. This is the night when Christ broke the bonds of death and hell, and rose victorious from the grave. This Vigil is offered in the hopes of being the first celebration of the Great Fifty Days by individuals or families, speaking or reading aloud or incorporating technology (see the end of the service for links).
The service has been written so that various parts can be shared out among those present; don’t be afraid to let children read and lead! Each part is either meant to be read by a single person, or by all. And this is indicated with “One” or “All.” The “One” parts may be shared and a single leader is not required. While this service assumes a small gathering it can, when necessary, be done by an individual who while physically alone is nevertheless gathered in spirit with the rest of the church this day, night, or remembrance. We share this service since, to maintain health and safety, the Church cannot assemble in person to mark this night.
The service has been written so that various parts can be shared out among those present; don’t be afraid to let children read and lead! Each part is either meant to be read by a single person, or by all. And this is indicated with “One” or “All.” The “One” parts may be shared and a single leader is not required. While this service assumes a small gathering it can, when necessary, be done by an individual who while physically alone is nevertheless gathered in spirit with the rest of the church this day, night, or remembrance. We share this service since, to maintain health and safety, the Church cannot assemble in person to mark this night.
The "Sunday Paper" for the Easter Vigil is available at right for you to download and print.
Download and print the service by clicking on the file at right.