The final weeks of the season after Pentecost for us in the autumn of the solar year. It's a time when we harvest what we planted in the spring. It is a time also for us to reflect on the "harvest" of our life in the spirit. How we live day in and day out determines the fruit we will gather when our lives come to a close. These few weeks are an opportunity to reflect on the "end times" - both for us individually at our death and also at the end of time when all things will be made plain.
During these final weeks of the church year, we take time to reflect on:
During these final weeks of the church year, we take time to reflect on:
- our relationship with God
- our relationship with Jesus and with one another through out prayer, the sacraments, and our common life in the Church
- the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how we participate in God's life through the spiritual gifts
- the nature of the Church and its sacred mission.
Scroll down this page to the current Sunday to find resources and suggestions for each week in the Time after Pentecost. Since you know your family's needs better than anyone, you will be able to use these resources and suggestions in ways uniquely appropriate to your family.
"Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scripture to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, and inwardly digest them . . ." These words are drawn from the collect appointed for the today's worship. They remind us how important and central the bible is to our life as followers of Jesus. How familiar are we with what is in our bible? Do we take the time we need to let its words "digest" within us as food for our soul? Be sure to read the scripture lessons carefully - "chew" over them during the days ahead.
REAdings for this sunday |
godly Play Online |
The readings appointed for The 24th Sunday after Pentecost are: (Click on the link for the text of each reading from this Sunday.)
Resource cornerThe video below is an animated telling of the gospel appointed for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost - The Parable of the Talents.
In this children's message, help students understand the Parable of the Talents and what it means for us. God gives us blessings and abilities and wants us to use them to serve Him and one another. We don't want to hide, bury, or horde away what He gives us, but use it and share it! Here is one method of communicating the parable.
Family Activity
In today’s Gospel, Jesus talks about the connection between faithfulness and responsibilities. Family life provides many opportunities to illustrate this connection for children. As children prove themselves trustworthy, they can be trusted to take on greater responsibilities. Jesus teaches us in this parable that when we show ourselves to be trustworthy in small matters, we can be trusted to participate in greater matters of responsibility. As you gather as a family, take some time to recall how each child in the family has matured and can now be trusted with greater responsibilities. Jesus talked about how our trustworthiness in small matters shows that we can also be trusted to share in the work of serving the Kingdom of Heaven. - Read Matthew 25:14-30. We share in the work of serving the Kingdom of Heaven when we use our talents to help and serve others. As a family, choose one thing to do this week to serve others. Conclude in prayer together, asking God’s help so that your family may serve others more faithfully. Pray together the Prayer to the Holy Spirit: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.
And kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And you will renew the face of the earth. Lord, by the light of the Holy Spirit you have taught the hearts of your faithful. In the same Spirit help us to relish what is right and always rejoice in your consolation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. |
The Core Story
Exploring just what is a prophet, including a range of prophets from Abijah to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the 12 minor prophets. The Enrichment Story
It can be hard to be a prophet, especially when God gives you a message which angers the people who hear it. Activities for Children
Click on the file below to download and print the "Sunday Paper Junior" for this week.
Click on the file below to download and print the "Sunday Paper for this week.
Putting faith into practice
(Use examples from everyday life to teach a vital truth about the faith. They don't need to be structured into a lesson plan but are part of how we live out our faith.)
Facebook discussion group
Also available for parents is a special Facebook Group where parents can support one another, ask questions, offer advice, share ideas and insights as we work together to strengthen the faith of our children. For permission to participate in this discussion forum, please contact Mother Mary at [email protected] |
The Last Sunday after Pentecost
Christ the King - November 22
With a Thanksgiving side
Some of the traditions in The Episcopal Church have their beginnings in the royal court. For example, purple (the liturgical color for Advent and Lent) was the color associated with royalty and became linked to the coming of Christ as a king. We seek the kingdom of God, where we will feast at the banquet table of the Lord. In the age to come, Christ will reign, and God's will will be fully "done on earth as it is heaven."
Readings for this SundayThe readings for The Last Sunday after Pentecost are: (Click on the link for the text of each reading from this Sunday.)
RESOURCE CornerHere is a Doodly version of the gospel parable from today's appointed readings.
This brief video describes the nature of Paul's letter to his friends in Ephesus. It is a timely message during this time of COVID isolation: the joy those people might have felt in getting a positive letter from their best friend in Jesus, Paul. What can we do to be the same way to our friends?
Family Activity
In the daily activities of family life, we can easily find excuses for not attending to our spiritual lives. If not given top priority, prayer and reading Scripture risk becoming occasional activities rather than daily practices. In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us that if we fail to give our spiritual life priority, we will find ourselves unprepared to receive Jesus. Daily prayer and spiritual practice keeps us ready to receive Jesus. Gather together as a family and talk about some of the things our faith calls us to do every day and every week to keep God first in our lives. Talk about what might happen if we don’t do these things regularly. Explain to your family that Jesus taught us that it is important to keep ourselves ready to receive him when he comes again. Tell them to listen as you read the parable that Jesus tells in today’s Gospel. Read aloud Matthew 25:1-13. Talk with your family about why Jesus says that it is so important to remain ready to receive the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray together that your family will always keep God first in your lives so that you will all be prepared to receive Jesus when he comes. Pray together an Act of Hope: Facebook discussion group
Also available for parents is a special Facebook Group where parents can support one another, ask questions, offer advice, share ideas and insights as we work together to strengthen the faith of our children. For permission to participate in this discussion forum, please contact Mother Mary at [email protected] |
Godly Play - Online!Core Story
The Holy Family. The Core Story this week focuses on what we know as "The Holy Family" - the family created by Joseph, Mary, and the child Jesus.
Extension Story Through the history of the Church, Mary, the mother of Jesus has held a special place in the hearts of disciples. The special place finds it roots in her willingness to do the will of God by bringing Jesus into the world. Activities for Children
Click on the file below to download The "Sunday Paper" for this week.
Click on the file below to download The "Sunday Paper - Junior" for this week.
Thanksgiving Day is this Week!
Here is a "Sunday Paper" activity for Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Prayers
Use the link below to find a number of prayers of thanksgiving and grace before meals that you can use with children (or for yourself!) on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Prayers Putting faith into practice
(Use examples from everyday life to teach a vital truth about the faith. They don't need to be structured into a lesson plan but are part of how we live out our faith.)